Get Authentic Chinese Tea from Singapore. Fast Shipping, ship from local Singapore
Delicate, long evenly twisted black tea leaves from the famous Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, China. Reputed to be one of the world’s oldest and most distinctive black teas.
Intensely smoky flavor with mellow & rich smooth taste, with notes of caramel and chocolate
采摘的时候,严格按照一芽一 二叶的鲜叶标准,做茶前还会进行二次筛选,原料上也做到要层层把关。经过萎凋、揉捻、发酵、烘干等,每一步都是手工上阵
口感甜润 这款性价比很高 受大家喜欢红茶属全发酵茶,有天然花香,香不强烈,细而含蓄,味醇厚甘爽,冬天喝解乏解腻,累的时候喝一口也是再好不过啦。