
[Premium Collections] China Oolong Tea | Wuyishan Mountain Oolong Tea | Jin Jun Mei


Ingredients: Jin Jun Mei, Fujian black tea

Tea Handmade via traditional methods, grown and processed in the springtime.

金骏眉 – 2022年明前茶 采用春季茶树的芽头
Long, black leaves that produce a floral aroma that is sweet and rich and long lasting.口感花粉蜜香, 芽头饱满,香气清高持久It’s complex yet very balanced: smooth, strong, sweet, and very fragrant.

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Ingredients: Jin Jun Mei, Fujian black tea

Tea Handmade via traditional methods, grown and processed in the springtime.

金骏眉 – 2022年明前茶 采用春季茶树的芽头
Long, black leaves that produce a floral aroma that is sweet and rich and long lasting.口感花粉蜜香, 芽头饱满,香气清高持久It’s complex yet very balanced: smooth, strong, sweet, and very fragrant.明前芽芯作为原料。在四川,清明节前天气冷的时间较长,茶树生长缓慢,生长周期长,这样茶芽就能发到3层-4层,这样的原料积累的内含营养物质:氨基酸、茶多酚、微量元素等更为丰富;清明后,茶芽长得快,大多发到2层就展开,都是空心芽,其内含营养物质无法与明前实心芽相比。

Weight 100 g

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