At Tea Heritage, we devote ourselves to taking your tea-drinking experience as close as possible to where these renowned teas are grown and cultivated. Every sip of tea prompts you to journey with us and explore the soil, water and climate where the tea is grown, in addition to the traditional methods of developing the tea. 
Our tea selection is curated through the partnership with the tea growers/maker to provide quality tea leaves to you. Handmade tea – tea leaves processed
carefully by hand using traditional methods with no added additives. We believe the quality of tea depends primarily on the selection of tea leaves and secondly the processing of the fresh tea leaves into final tea product. 
看一款好茶-原料,生长环境,年份,采摘的标准和时间,工艺,仓储. 我们的茶选择一是原料好,二是工艺好,所以造就了好的口感,只有好原料加上好工艺才能称之为好茶. 光有好的原料还不行,做茶叶还讲究工艺,加工过程中安全、卫生;另外先进的除去氧气充入氮气的保鲜技术,也确保了茶叶品质更恒定。
                             我们的理念定位于现代品茶, 喝茶, 深爱茶饮的爱好者 坚持对茶的热爱, 品质要求, 追求精致茶艺茶道的经验. 我们的使命是分享茶文化,茶知识,带给大家不同地理位置的茶叶, 直接从原产地 – 原山原头产区的茶叶.  我们希望 能够通过我们这个平台让大家能够喝到价格公道更高品质的茶叶。
Our name “茶语” translates to the “Language of Tea”, our intent is for you to apprehend the history of tea and culture through a cup of tea.
茶语就是每种茶传达它自己独特成长过程到最终给人的一个品味 – 例如山场决定了茶的底蕴,气候环境、土壤结构以及制作工艺 。

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