Elevate Your Tea Experience

Zisha Teapots – Here’s what you need to know about them and how they can elevate your tea drinking experience.

Zisha Teapots

Zisha Teapots are made from a rare clay that is slowly running out. Hence they are not mass produced. Artisan have to train many years and undergo rigorous training to be able to work with the material as an individual.

The clay are worked in a way that promotes airflow in both direction. This helps to increase the flavour of the tea due to the oxygen flow.

The material of Zisha teapots are also said to assist in maintaining the temperature within the pot. Less fluctuation in the tea temperature, results in a better tasting tea for a longer time.

Zisha teapots does not only bring out the flavour of the tea, it is also a kind of functional art piece itself, a crucial part of the tea appreciation. Everything from the material, the skill and certification of the potter, to the time needed to produce Zisha teapot, it comes with a price tag that justifies the process.

Although it is not a must-have in order for you to enjoy tea, but if you are lucky enough to have that allowance in your life currently to get one, we invite you to have a look at the carefully curated selection of Zisha teapots available here at Tea Heritage.

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