Aged Bing Dao Sheng Pu-erh tea in 250g Cha Tuo
Very rare in the market and limited quantities. Sourced from owner’s own collection teas, store in dry climate since 2000 year when it was harvested, properly store in high-altitude natural dry climates warehouse all these years.
Aged Bing Dao Lao Raw Pu-erh Tea
Direct from the Origin Lincang Prefecture
原料纯正的冰岛,多年的干仓纯放收藏,云南临沧仓储好!是一款超级耐泡,20多泡仍然不掉水没有任何的苦涩感,茶气足,冰糖韵,冰糖甜明显, 茶汤色橙黄透亮。好茶难遇,切遇切珍惜!
Very clear almost transparent orange-yellow tea colour! Smooth, with no bitterness or astringency. Crisp and sweet, a subtle and yet powerful sweet mouth-feeling from the tea that will stay long after your tea session has ended. Buy a sampling pack size to taste and experience for yourself! Limited quantities only, and while stocks last.
2000年临沧冰岛古树茶生茶 云南陈年普洱茶沱茶 250g 干仓
Aged Puer, Bingdao Raw Puer, very rarely you can find in the market.
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